Thursday, April 8, 2010

Great News!!

Sorry I've had such a long hiatus, but I just had way too much on my plate and couldn't fit in blogging too!  I had a pretty hard and time consuming semester of school and a big project at work and was just so tired all the time!  In between all that though I got some great news....I'm pregnant!  Thankfully I'm in my second trimester now and feel a bit more pep in my step, but still always feel on the go!  Our little one is due Sept. 25th and we find out April 29th what it is!  I can't wait, Babies R Us here I come. 

I started my second to last semester of school, and I'll officially be done Sept 13th, and I can't wait.  It can't seem to come fast enough.  I started back up hounding a few weeks ago and it felt great!  Oh how I missed CVS.  I started out by getting like 8 bottles of Dawn for free, and got a bunch of diapers for pretty cheap too.  I think so far we have close to 40 packs and about 8 packs of wipes, so I'm getting there!  Anyways I hope to be on here a bit more often, and I'll probably do a mix between posting about the pregnancy (I'd kind of like a journal) and grocery!